Message Hub

Unit4 Message Hub (U4MH) provides a standard set of messaging services for Unit4 applications to ensure secure and reliable communication and data exchange between all applications within the Unit4 ecosystem.

U4MH acts as a central, scalable message broker that decouples the destination of a message from the sender and maintains control over the flow of messages. This setup enables independent, loosely coupled services to communicate by exchanging messages, while abstracting the underlying complexity of the transport, and facilitates push over pull models for integration between Unit4 products.

The purpose of the U4MH is to provide a central place for products, applications, and microservices to communicate without needing to know the details of the underlying bus. Instead, they register on the hub to send or receive messages, and Message Hub takes care of all the details required to exchange messages between the participants.

The U4MH provides services for the registration of source systems and event types. This allows others to query and discover already registered products and any event type they can subscribe to.

To assure reliability and performance, messages are sent and received directly from underlying channels using messaging transactions. This guarantees that messages are read and processed by the receiver before being deleted from the channels. Access to the channels is guarded by U4MH and only handed out to authenticated clients.

Range of application: