

In the Resources tab you can configure how your app sends and retrieves data. You can create multiple resources and use the data from your resources in the components using Liquid (see Liquid support) or in the app's logic (see Events and actions).

Create a new resource by selecting the Plus (+) button on the left panel. Each resource is created with an editable name and a non-editable tag. The tag is used in Liquid to use the resource data within the components, for example {{res1}}.

Resources area overview

You can create the following types of resource:

Plain Object

Plain object resources are used for storing simple data sets.


Field Description
Code editor Enter your object in JSON. Max 25.000 characters. Example Plain Object resource example

Note: App Studio does not support referencing dynamic content in Liquid (templating) in Plain object resources.


HTTP resources are used to make HTTP requests. You can configure when the request is made using the HTTP request action. See events and actions for more details.

HTTP Resource example


Field Description
Url Enter an URL. Only HTTPS URLs are allowed.
Method Select one of the available REST methods: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH.
Authentication type Select one of the available authentication types: NONE, BASIC, BEARER, U4Ids (Unit4 Identity Services).
Credentials Select a credential form the dropdown. This field is only available when you select a BASIC or a BEARER authentication. See App Studio credentials for more details on how to save your credentials.
Response type Select the type of response expected from the HTTP request. Options include JSON and File.

HTTP Resource Configuration

Example of an HTTP resource configuration in App Studio, where users define a request URL, method, authentication type, credentials and response type.

Content definition

Available for POST, DELETE, PUT and PATCH methods.

Field Description
Body data type Select from the dropdown JSON or multipart/form-data to send a file.
JSON Enter a JSON in the Content field. JSON
Form data Add the form data items by selecting the + Add form data item button and filling in the following fields:Form data
Type Select the type from the dropdown: Text or File.
Key Enter the key name.
Content For Text enter a string, typically hardcoded or coming from a field (see Templating dropdown).
For Content enter or select the Component ID of a File uploader component that you have added to the Canvas or a Resource that gets a file.

Note: - See File uploader to configure the use of files attached by the user. - See HTTP Resources to configure the use of files retrieves by an API.

Templating schema

Field Description
Schema Enter a schema that allows you to retrieve data in a component using Liquid. See Templating dropdown for more details.Templating schema
Generate by JSON Select to automatically generate the Schema from a JSON.


Field Description
Id Enter the attribute that you want to store.
Value Enter the data for the attribute.
+ New header Select the button to add a new header.


ERPx API resources are used to make HTTP requests to the available ERPx public APIs. You can configure when the request is made using the HTTP request action. See events and actions for more details.

Warning: For the resource to work properly in the end-user app, the user must have access to the ERPx Public APIs and to the specific endpoints you have used. Go to the Public API access (XAG005) window to check your user's configuration.

ERPx API resource example configuration


Field Description
API endpoint Select from the dropdown one of the available endpoints of the ERPx APIs.
Method Select one of the available REST methods: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH. The available methods depend on the selected endpoint.
API version Select the API version. The latest available version is selected as default.


The available parameters depend on the endpoint chosen. They are organized in the following groups:

Field Description
Path Fill in the fields to define the route of your request within the API.
Query Fill in the fields to refine or filter the results.

Content definition

Available for POST, DELETE, PUT and PATCH methods.

Field Description
Body data type Select from the dropdown JSON or multipart/form-data to send a file.
JSON Enter a JSON in the Content field or select the Get sample button to load a sample. JSON
Form data Add the form data items by selecting the + Add form data item button and filling in the following fields:Form data
Type Select the type from the dropdown: Text or File.
Key Enter the key name.
Content For Text enter a string, typically hardcoded or coming from a field (see Templating dropdown).
For Content enter or select the Component ID of a File uploader component that you have added to the Canvas or a Resource that gets a file.

Note: See File uploader to configure the use of files attached by the user.

Templating schema

Field Description
Schema Enter a schema that allows you to retrieve data in a component using Liquid. See Templating dropdown for more details. The field is pre-filled with the complete schema for the selected API endpoint. Templating schema
Reload schema Select to reset the schema.
Generate by JSON Select to automatically generate the Schema from a JSON.


Flow resources are used to integrate your app with a flow in Extension Kit. This allows you to obtain data from the flow, delegate complex logic or processes, or do heavy tasks in the background. You can configure when the flow is triggered using the Trigger flow action. See events and actions for more details.

The flow must be configured using the App trigger and the App result action.


Field Description
Flow Select a flow from the dropdown. Only flows created with the App trigger are available.
Create new flow Select to go to My flows and create a new flow using App trigger.
Go to flow Select to go to My flows and edit/view the selected flow in the Flow dropdown.

Content definition

Field Description
Content Enter the JSON defined in the App trigger.

Note: See File uploader to configure the use of files attached by the user.

Templating schema

Field Description
Schema Enter a schema to retrieve data from the App result action in the flow. You can use it in a component using Liquid. See Templating dropdown for more details JSON.
Generate by JSON Select to automatically generate the Schema using the App result action JSON.

Note: A maximum of five flows are supported per app.