A client side .NET library which contains the IDS Data Transfer Objects (DTO). It can be downloaded as NuGet packages from U4.IdentityServices.DTO. It is also a replacement for the deprecated Admin SDK.
Namespace: U4.IdentityServices.DTO
Main classes
Class | Description |
Client | OAuth client |
Idp | Identity Provider |
IdpMetaData | IDP Meta data |
Scope | Scope |
ScopeClaims | Scope claims |
ScopeTitle | Scope title |
TenantEx | Tenant which contains a list of IDPs |
Misc classes
Class | Description |
Audit | Used internally by IDS for auditing |
CacheCommand | Used internally by IDS for triggering cache commands |
CurrentUser | Stores the current user name and id |
Deleted | Deleted entities like clients, scopes or tenants |
Discovery | IDS discovery endpoint |
OpenIdConnectOptions | OIDC options like response type, scope, post logout endpoint, acr values |
NotificationMessageCollection | Dictionary for internal use |
SdkState | Keeps the state like "IsBasicAuthentication", user name, pasword, etc. |
Secret | Used internally for secret handling |
SecretInput | Stores for example the secret expiration date |
SimpleClient | A simple IDS client |
ScopeConsentOptions | Scope consent options like require consent, link, link description |
Tenant | Internally used to map the database entity tenant with the DTO tenant object |
Enum Types
Namespace: U4.IdentityServices.DTO.Type
Type | Values |
TAccessToken | Jwt, Reference |
TAuthenticationFlow | Hybrid, HybridWithProofKey, AuthorizationCode |
TCrud | Create, Reade, Update, Delete |
TEntity | Client, Scope, Tenant, ClientSecret, ScopeSecret, TenantEx, ScopeTitle, IdpMetaData |
TError | ConnectionError, HttpError, ObjectNotFound, UnprocessableObject, StatusCodeError, UnexpectedError |
TOidcFlow | AuthorizationCode, Implicit, Hybrid, ClientCredentials, Custom, AuthorizationCodeWithProofKey, HybridWithProofKey |
TPersistedGrant | AuthorizationCode, ReferenceToken, RefreshToken, UserConsent, DeviceCode, UserCode |
TRefreshTokenExpiration | Sliding, Absolute |
TRefreshTokenUsage | ReUse, OneTimeOnly |
TScope | Identity, Resource |
Class: U4.IdentityServices.DTO.Constants
Fields | String values |
AdminApiName | u4ids-admin |
AccessManagementSourceSystem | u4ids |
SupportedApiVersions | v3, v2, v1 |
Struct | Fields representing string values |
ApiVersions | v1, v2, v3 |
AuthenticationSchema | Bearer, Oidc |
CustomGrantTypes | ClaimsUpgrade, UserImpersonation |
Data | IdLength, MinNameLength, NameLength, LanguageLength, UriLength |
DefaultValues | AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime, AccessTokenLifetime, AuthorizationCodeLifetime |
IdentityTokenLifetime, SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime, AccessTokenType | |
RefreshTokenExpiration, RefreshTokenUsage, ScopeType | |
SecretDescription, ResponseType | |
GetSecretExpiration | DateTime(2099, 12, 31) |
ErrorMessages | NoSlashesDotsSpaceAllowed, AllowedValueErrorMessage |
IdentityServices | BaseEndpoint, RevocationEndpoint, TokenEndpoint, WellKnownOidcConfiguration |
MediaType | JsonContent |
Protocol | OpenIdConnect, Saml2, WsFederation |
StandardScopes | Address, Email, OfflineAccess, OpenId, Phone, Profile |
ValidationRegularExpressions | NoSlashesBackSlashesDotsSpacesAllowed |