Unit4 Identity Services 1.2.0 release notes
Release 07th October 2016
About this release
This release is version 1.2.0 of the Unit4 Identity Services (U4IDS). These release notes contain important information about U4IDS and provide an overview of the features and bug fixes included in this release, important information and known issues.
Bugs fixed in this release
- Fixed: If U4IDS is unable to read the WS-Federation for a tenant, this might affect the log in experience for other tenants using the WS-Federation protocol. This issue has been resolved.
- Fixed: Admin API client validation on claims.
- Fixed: Admin API - Client flow parameter accept string 'implicit', 'hybrid' etc.
- Fixed: Missing scope on a tenants OpenId connect request.
- Fixed: Tenant has always claim 'name' chosen as Unit4IdName
- Fixed: Admin API resources return notificationMessages even if no errors occurred
- Fixed: Set SigninMessageThreshold to 1 -the limit after which old signin messages (cookies) are purged
- Remove/Invalidate config data cache keys on IDSAdmin-API update: When data is changed via Admin-API, the cache is not immediately updated. To make the changes effective, the user must either wait until the cache duration expires or restart the IDS web application. This will be fixed in a future release. Resolution to be provided in CW41 2016.