Unit4 Identity Services 1.3.1 release notes

Released 9th June 2017

About this release

This release is version 1.3.1 of the Unit4 Identity Services (U4IDS). These release notes contain important information about U4IDS and provides an overview of features included in this release, important information, bug fixes and known issues.

Features included in this release

The following features are included in this release:

User permission screen

The permission screen was available in release 1.3.0, but was only accessible for users that were already logged in. New in this release is that it is possible to login to the permission screen if you provide the tenant.

Configurable OpenID Connect (OIDC) options for a tenants

The default authentication flow supported for the tenants using the OpenID Connect protocol is hybrid flow (response_type is code id_token). To support more OIDC providers administrators can now change the following OIDC options on the tenant (new config property openIDConnectOptions):

It is not possible to override response_mode through configuration. IDS will always request form_post. Identity providers could disregard this and still use query. See next feature.

Support for OpenID Connect IdPs that use Auth Code flow

Earlier versions of IDS required IODC providers to support Hybrid flow with refresh tokens. This release provides support for IdPs that support simpler flows.

The above features are implemented by the callback on the IDS. The handling will be done based on the parameters to the callback endpoint and unrelated to the optionally configured overrides in openIDConnectOptions.

Verified IdPs

This version has been tested and verified with the following IdPs:

Note that this is not an excluding list.

Bugs fixed in this release


Known issues