Unit4 Identity Services 3.2.0 release notes

Released Mars 8th 2019

About this release

This release is version 3.2.0 of the Unit4 Identity Services (U4IDS). These release notes contain important information about U4IDS and provide an overview of features included in this release, important information, bug fixes and known issues.

Features included in this release

The following features are included in this release:

PowerShell support for Localized screens

Support for operations on ScopeTitle via Powershell commands. You now are able to:

Possible to se history of deleted items in the portal

You have not been able to see the history of deleted Tenants, scopes and clients since they are removed from the database and therefore not shown. Now there is an option to chose to view the history of deleted items by clicking the view deleted button over the items list.

Performance fixes for the portal

Some tuning has been done to make the portal less slow. Let us know if you still experience any problems.

Better handling of the database migrations on upgrade

The AdminAPI now has a much better fault handling when starting up. Earlier, there was a problem when several instances started at the same time, but this should now be handled.

But if the startup of the AdminAPI service takes more than 2 minutes in total, the service will do a hard restart, and the database migration (which is part of the startup) will stay in an undefined state. In this case, restarting the service will not help. You will have to set the new MigrationAction setting to force and maybe also increase the CommandTimeout. In addition, you will have to update the web.config file in Azure manually, to increase startupTimeLimit (part of the <aspNetCore> tag). The default value is 120 (2 minutes).

In general, startup should only take a few seconds, so this is only in very special circumstances.

The Consent and User Permission screens should have buttons to link to scope details.

Bugs fixed in this release

Known issues
