Unit4 Identity Services 3.5.0 release notes

Released November 8th 2019

About this release

This release is version 3.5.0 of the Unit4 Identity Services (U4IDS) that consists of IDS Core, IDS API, IDS API SDK, IDS PowerShell, AccessManagement SDK and the IDS Portal. These release notes contain important information about U4IDS and provide an overview of features included in this release, important information, bug fixes and known issues. Note: The IDS API SDK, IDS PowerShell and AccessManagement have not been updated and the latest version will still be 3.4

Features included in this release

The following features are included in this release:

Portal shows ids that is configured in app settings in list of configured ids instances

When you set up the Portal you need to configure one IDS using app settings before you can start using it. Then you can add additional Ids instances using the guide. To prevent confusion the original Ids is now also shown in the list. It is off course not possible to edit or delete it.

Portal search for Tenant name

In the Tenant list you have only been able to search for Tenant id and description. Now you can also search for Tenant name.

IDS show current ids version in discovery endpoint

If you go to the ./identity/discovery endpoint you can now see the released version as CurrentIdsVersion.

Bugs fixed in this release

Known issues