Scheduled Events


The Scheduled Event trigger allows a flow to be initiated on a regular basis based on a user configured schedule.



Scheduler config

Occurrence Frequency

This can take the following possible values:

Value Description
M A schedule based on a monthly occurrence.
W A schedule based on a weekly occurrence.
D A schedule based on a daily occurrence.

Depending on the choice of value for the Occurrence Frequency, the following sections must then be configured to determine when an event should be raised to initiate a flow.

Monthly Occurrence Frequency
Property Description
Monthly Frequency Type Can take the values (E) - Every, or (T) - The
Monthly Frequency Day Number If the Monthly Frequency is set to (E) Every, then this states the day of the month on which the schedule applies.
Monthly Frequency Monthly Occurrence If the Monthly Frequency is set to (T) The, then this states the algorithm used to determine which occurrence of a day the schedule applies. Can take the values (1) - First, (2) - Second, (3) - Third, (4) - Fourth, (D) - Day Before Last, and (L) - Last.
Monthly Frequency The Day Specification If the Monthly Frequency is set to (T) The, then this states the algorithm used to determine which day the schedule applies. Can take the values (MON) - Monday, (TUE) - Tuesday, (WED) - Wednesday, (THU) - Thursday, (FRI) - Friday, (SAT) - Saturday, (SUN) - Sunday, (DAY) - Day, (WEK) - Week day, and (END) - Weekend day.
Monthly Frequency Month Step Determines the monthly regularity on which the schedule applies. E.g. a value of 2 would represent every other month.

When a day is reached on which the schedule applies, the configuration of the daily frequency is then applied to see when, and how many events should be raised on that day.

Weekly Occurrence Frequency
Property Description
Weekly Frequency Monday Does the schedule apply on a Monday
Weekly Frequency Tuesday Does the schedule apply on a Tuesday
Weekly Frequency Wednesday Does the schedule apply on a Wednesday
Weekly Frequency Thursday Does the schedule apply on a Thursday
Weekly Frequency Friday Does the schedule apply on a Friday
Weekly Frequency Saturday Does the schedule apply on a Saturday
Weekly Frequency Sunday Does the schedule apply on a Sunday
Weekly Frequency Week Step Determines the weekly regularity on which the schedule applies. E.g. a value of 2 would represent every other week.

When a day is reached on which the schedule applies, the configuration of the daily frequency is then applied to see when, and how many events should be raised on that day.

Daily Occurrence Frequency
Property Description
Daily Frequency Type Can take the values (E) - Every, or (O) - Once at
Daily Frequency One Off Time If the Daily Frequency is set to (O) Once at, then this signifies the time of day when the single event will be raised.
Daily Frequency Unit If the Daily Frequency is set to (E) Every, then this determines which units will be used to determine how often events should be raised. Can take the values (H) - Hours, (M) - Minutes, and (S) - Seconds.
Daily Frequency Amount If the Daily Frequency is set to (E) Every, then this determines how many Daily Frequency Units will pass between each event being raised.
Daily Frequency Start Time If the Daily Frequency is set to (E) Every, then this determines the time of day on which the first event will raised.
Daily Frequency End Time If the Daily Frequency is set to (E) Every, then this determines the time of day on which events will stop being raised.
Start and End Dates

These properties determine the date range for which the schedule will be valid, a blank end date means that the schedule will continue indefinitely.


The output will be the date and time that the event was raised.