

A multiple line, free-form entry input component allowing users to type or edit medium to large amount of information, such as comments and descriptions.


When the component is active the user should be able to enter/ edit information. Typing text is accesible through a physical or virtual keyboard. As the text overflows the box limits, it continues in the next row.

JSON structure example

"viewDefinition": {
    "children": {
        "textareaComponent": {
            "type": "textarea",
            "id": "textareaId",
            "ariaLabel": "Textarea",
            "description":  "Textarea description",
            "disabled": false,
            "inlineLabel": false,
            "label": "Textarea",
            "maxLength": "20",
            "name": "textarea",
            "placeholder": "Please enter text",
            "readOnly": false,
            "required": false,
            "rows": "7",
            "showCount": true,
            "showFullDescription": false,
            "value": "Text value",
            "width": "m"

Do's and Don'ts

For more details, refer to Textarea Usage and Visual styleguides in our Storybook