
The Wizard component is a step-by-step component that enables users to enter information in a predetermined order.

When the component is active the user:


You can use the Wizard component to create an app where the user must follow certain steps to request an absence. In this example:

Note: The Wizard component follows the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility guidelines.

Wizard component

Configuration example

This example shows how to configure the New absence app (see Example of usage). Follow these steps to configure it:

Note: Only the properties relevant to the example are explained.


The following Wizard component properties are available:


Property Description
Component ID Enter a unique name for the component. See referencing in Liquid for more details.
Title Enter the text you want to be displayed above the component.
Subtitle Enter a text under the title to include extra details if needed.


Property Description
Panel height Select the height of the component from the dropdown.
Hide steps numbers Select the checkbox to hide the numbers of the steps.
Hide borders Select the checkbox to hide the outer frame of the component.


Property Description
Step title Enter the name for the step.
Step hidden Select the checkbox to hide the step. You can set rules to hide the step using Liquid.
Step disabled Select the checkbox to disable the step. You can set rules to disable the step using Liquid.

Note: See add rules to trigger properties for more details on setting rules to these properties.


Property Description
Hidden Select the checkbox to hide the component in the end-user app. You can set rules to hide the component using Liquid. The rules are be available only when hiding the component with the checkbox not when hiding the component from the canvas with the Eye icon in the Layers panel.

Note: See add rules to trigger properties for more details on setting rules to these properties.


The Wizard component supports the On finish event. See events and actions for more details.

Wizard logic map

Note: You must have the component selected on the canvas to see the Logic map tab.